Tuesday 22 September 2015

We are Lost like Refugee's

We are lost because morally where can we stand that doesn't sound like we are evil or anti- humanitarian or pro refugee. The best way that I think about is put yourself in that position. You are a person, of course you are not a cow, and you are in a war torn country that no one globally cares about. You need to decide whether to stay in that war torn country or up sticks and leave for a better life somewhere else. More questions come to mind; do you take your children? Do you take your wife? How much stuff do you take? more importantly where do you go? It is the big decision or whether to stay/go that people don't grasp the enormity of.
I am a refugee sympathiser and would help them all if I could. They have a legal right to seek asylum where ever they go and to build a fence just to stop them is a selfish waste of money, money that could help them. Politicians Europe wide have made it so hard for the people who have already been hard done by. The Syrians especially have had to be escape Assad, the DICtator of Syria and ISIS, the terrorist group. These are the people that we need to target so that we solve the reason they are fleeing and therefore they can all return to their homes, in the their homeland, the one it took more than just fear to leave.
No politicians are talking about this, Dave, said it once I think. Merkel, the most compassionate leader toward the refugees, hasn't mentioned it, I think. I am going to leave you with a music reference, relevant to this crisis.

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