Friday 5 February 2016

Needs More T-Rexs

Graphic Design and illustration. The course I have been on for the past nearly three years and it's all coming to an end soon. To summarise this three year time, we have to, as part of the course, have to put on an exhibition. An exhibition of our work, including mine. So we need to start organising it now. We have started the funding but need to start the branding.

Below is my first attempt; it's a very Barney Bubbles style tribute (with me studying him on my dissertation). None of the letters on here are any sort of font they are just vector shapes. The colours just needed to be as maddening of an experience as possible because who doesn't love colour, right?

The reason I am showing you this at this stage as very few in the class actually liked it. Specifically 6 people. So it's not going to be used no matter what. Nice idea though. Also the name is changing from patchwork to I don't know. Avocado? Moron? Dubstep?

and of course; Needs more t-rexs.

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